Welcome to my YOGA CLINIC!
Yoga classes tailored to your level of flexibility here on Substack
Dear Lite Living Community,
I can barely hold back on my excitement! For a while now I have been thinking about how to bring my YOGA CLINIC classes to my friends across the globe (as far as New Zealand!) but was intimidated by the task (and the technology). I think I have finally figured out how I can do this here, on Substack.
While I absolutely love teaching in person and feel a little self-conscious in front of the camera, I figured it was better to show up imperfectly to not showing up at all.
Yes, I will miss looking into your eyes and feel the energy in the room, but I’m hoping that we can communicate in the comment section below and still make this a very personal and unique experience!
Your comments will help me design future classes that will directly address your physical and emotional challenges.
Here is a short video on how I envision this:
And here are some answers to questions you may have (feel free to ask away!)
YOGA CLINIC is a space I created to teach yoga classes that bring mindfulness to each and every asana (posture), while incorporating yogic principles of ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truth) and svadhyaya (self-inquiry).
As its name suggests, my aim with these classes is to help you heal and (re)connect with yourself. As I offer various adaptation to yoga postures, or “stages of flexibility,” these classes are particularly suitable for the complete beginner, those who are curious about yoga but for some reason are convinced that they are “not flexible enough,” and those who are limited by, or recovering from a physical injury.
How this will work on Substack?
As the sample videos below will demonstrate, I want to break down popular yoga poses to their finest detail to help you find your own unique expression of them (and not that of the Yoga Journal you think you need to reproduce), while finding ease, comfort and even - untapped potential and power!
I also want to offer you simple 5-15 minute short practices that you can incorporate into your busy day to help move energy in your body, find a solid ground and release stress, and inspire you to reach for things you never thought were possible (and I guarantee you, you will!).
I will address common aches and pains, and offer gentle stretches, breathing techniques and meditations that might help you with coping/ healing. Here is something to get you started: a short meditation to help you change your mindset about pain.
These yoga videos will not exceed more than 15 minutes, because experience tells me that you are more likely to do them if they are only 15 minutes and not an hour long. I am a strong believer in incremental one degree turns that eventually lead to long-lasting changes. Don’t believe me? You can read about my year of Lite Living, during which I wrote the first draft of a difficult book, started a Substack and got myself healthy and fit, incorporating just a few simple principles.
Seeing how this goes, I will be happy to organize an hour-long live yoga class on Zoom, but I don’t want to get too ambitious, too soon. This is my one degree turn… :) Let’s start here, shall we?
How can you make this class unique to you?
In the comment section to my yoga videos, I invite you to share with me your thoughts and questions about a particular yoga posture or/and practice, as well as any issues in your body you would like to address. I will then design a short practice in the next video that specifically targets your concern.
Please note, in order to protect your privacy and make this a safe and supportive environment, this feature will be available to paid subscribers only.
But, as you will see from my Subscription page, a monthly membership to The Art of Lite Living will cost you less than a cup of Starbucks Coffee, and I promise you that it will deliver a far greater value :)
And what about a sense of community?
There is no doubt that nothing will replace the feeling of community we can create in person. But - here is what my experience on Substack has taught me: I have found the most incredible writing community in WITD with
and George Saunders’ Story Club - all through the comment section! Even though I have not (yet) met a single one of these incredible writers, I feel that I know them. This is why I have decided to push through my shyness, my fear of technology, and my terror of getting in front of the camera.I want to foster a community here!
Because I believe that yoga is for everyone! Not only the fit and flexible, the young, the athletic (or however else you may imagine this “yoga person”), but everyone!
Did you know - the meaning of “yoga” is UNION! For me yoga is about unity through a community, or, even a communion! And I think that especially now in our polarized world yoga has something so valuable to offer us. I feel very passionately about this (in case you couldn’t tell…).
Imagine we all started taking a little better care of ourselves and as a result were able to show up with more patience and kindness towards the people we come in contact with.
Imagine we all did that!
Imagine what the world could look like if we just did that.
All it takes is a one-degree change! But it starts with us.
I hope that you will take me up on my invitation. Let’s heal ourselves and make this world a little kinder!
And to get you started, let’s take a deep breath…
And surrender to what is in Child Pose:
I promise that with more practice, my videos will also improve. Bear in mind that (so far) I am a one-woman-show, operating with an old iPhone and a cheap ring-light (which at least I have remembered to turn on! Hooray to progress!)
But I’d like to bring the focus back to you, because that is the most important thing! Would you care to share with me something about your yoga experience?
Are you a regular yoga practitioner, or an aspiring practitioner?
Curious, but a little intimidated?
Totally comfortable?
Please feel free to introduce yourself! (Comment section below is open to ALL subscribers)
And just in case you needed more convincing, here are some of the things others have said about my YOGA CLINIC classes:
Imola’s yoga classes are a sanctuary and a balm for the soul. (Claire)
Imola is born to yoga. She is curious and compassionate about our unique aspirations. Thoughtfully prepared for each class, Imola is also wonderfully spontaneous, encouraging us to share what we crave to achieve that day. Her dedication and love for yoga are eminent. Her sense of humor and smile, infectious. Imola is a gift I am grateful to receive in my life. (Eleni)
This is not just yoga. This is a whole experience. (Amelie)
If you wish to know more about my teaching style, you are also welcome to read the following article, which tells you why you should never do yoga :)
Imola! I love everything about this, especially the idea of incremental 1-degree turns. I love that you are jumping in, not waiting until you can do it perfectly. Just watching your child pose video (not doing child pose with you), I noticed my breath slowing and my body relaxing. I'm looking forward to trying this at the end of my session of PT exercises later this morning. I've dabbled in yoga at earlier times in my life (did a gym class that combined yoga poses with movement and music) and I'd love to learn more about what I think of as "real" yoga. I've been living with different kinds of chronic pain for years, and I'm still recovering from a brain injury I sustained almost a year ago. I'm definitely in a process of trying to reshape my life for better health. Building new practices and routines, and I'm trying to do it incrementally--otherwise I know I won't sustain them. Wishing you so much success with this brave new venture!