
I love how you find inspiration everywhere! You are already wiser than I was at 48, making difficult choices and overcoming hard times. I offer three words for the inevitable aging: laughter, hydration and moisturizer. And a belated very happy birthday to you sweet Imola! With much love.

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Jun 17Liked by Imola

Happy birthday, again! I absolutely loved this post. It inspires me every week to see what you publish - and I’m so grateful to have you and your words in my life. I love you!

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I love you too hubby! You’re the best!! 💕

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Happy birthday! I love your list of things you're looking forward to, and I think I'm going seek many of them in my life, too. I also love the matcha! My daughter is 26, but she still wants me to cut the watermelon for her, just the way she likes it. You are so wise to hang onto this ritual; the stage you are in can be so hard because it is so full, but if I could go back I'd spend more time just being with my daughter, and doing those little things that feel like love.

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Oh Rita, I know what you mean. I’m very aware of how quickly time passes and my girls growing up so with all the intensity of caring I remind myself to enjoy the wild ride! :) and the ride is indeed wild, but also so so beautiful and precious. These girls are my everything. I’m honoured to be their mother.

So happy my list has inspired you. We have one life to live! We have to make it authentically ours! :) much love

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Jun 16Liked by Imola

Happy birthday (I just missed it) You had a great day on your birthday I wish you 364 more great days on your un-birthdays.

A thought on birthdays.


TEN years old is the age of wonder, all is new and believable, and there is a world of everything to be explored.

TWENTY is the age of thunder and rebellion although not yet knowing much, we start questioning everything we have learnt till then, why is it so, why can it not be better.

THIRTY is the age of arrogance, we are full of energy, we have asked all the questions and have made our opinion, and we think we know all the answers of life.

FORTY is the age of introspection, challenge, and midlife crisis, at this age we do know all the answers to our questions but realize that maybe we asked the wrong questions.

FIFTY is the age of awakening; we have come to terms with our own life, and now know that there is more than one single answer to all our questions.

SIXTY is the age of wisdom, we know all the answers that fit our life and we also know the why of our questions.

SEVENTY is the age of sharing, we now want to give back what we have learned to the 10-year-olds who is eager to know and to the 20-year-olds who want to argue about it.

EIGHTY is the age of compassion and empathy; many Kings and statesmen have settled wars and promoted peace between nations and families around this age.

NINETY is the age of giving, if you had land or worldly goods it is now your sons and daughters that do the tilling and reap the harvest, if you had wisdom, you have shared it with those who wanted to listen.

ONE HUNDRED is the age of luck, if you reach this age, you have truly been blessed-- and you will realize that all the questions and all the answers of your life were not that significant, what was important is that you always had someone above looking after you.

Michael Kent, 2007

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I love this Michael!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!!

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Jun 16Liked by Imola

I like the phrase, the Wisdom Package. Thank you for that!. Also love your description of morning coffee and matcha for your daughters, that the drinks don't taste as good when they make them themselves. Lovely.

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Thank you Emily! The Wisdom Package is not my phrase, but I’m going to adopt it! :)

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Aw thank you lovely Kristy! You have already given me the best gift: this beautiful poem that I will refer to for inspiration. But yes, if laughter, hydration and moisturiser will help me look as youthful and as fun as you are, I’ll take it! ♥️

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